Tout a commencé autour d'une table du Relais dell'Abbazia, le Bed & Breakfast que Françoise, la mère de David, gère à Vérone. Le projet était un peu fou et précaire avant même de naître : lancer une lettre d'information quotidienne sur l'Union européenne, différente de toutes celles proposées par nos brillants collègues de Politico, Euractiv, EUobserver, Contexte, Financial Times, Bloomberg, Table Media, Agence Europe. Non seulement en termes linguistiques, avec le choix de publier uniquement en français et en italien, mais aussi en termes de contenu. En plus des nouvelles du jour, nous voulions offrir une analyse approfondie à lire dans le métro le matin, à l'heure du déjeuner ou avant d'aller dormir.
I also thank you for this fantastic newsletter that increases knowledge about how the EU works.
Sometimes I'm worried that there is almost no public conversation about European affairs and so it can be considered as foreign and not representative by some European citizens. One reason for this is the lack of real pan-European journals that pay attention to EU problems from an EU point of view. I think your initiative tackles this issue. Another reason is the lack of a common language to have this conversation. I see you're commited to use some of the most spoken languages in the Union such as French, Spanish or German, but perhaps this isn't the best approach. It requires much more effort from you or more journalists and it makes a discussion quite difficult. Have you thought of using one common language to publish your articles? Of course the next question is which is this common language or even if it exists. I'd think of Latin as a very European language but it's dead. Others such as Esperanto haven't been born. So perhaps the easiest and most practical answer is English. Although it can be seen as a foreign language, it's also true that most of us use it every day, study it since we are children and have part of our leisure time in English (films, music, TV series, etc.).
One good example of it's usefulness is this post. My mother language is Spanish but perhaps you can't read it. I can speak French but not well enough to express complex ideas. But I can do that in English and probably you and many readers can understand it.
Again thanks for your work, I hope you've got good luck and success
Merci pour votre splendide initiative que je recommande à tous mes étudiants. Vous n’envisager pas une édition en anglais?
I also thank you for this fantastic newsletter that increases knowledge about how the EU works.
Sometimes I'm worried that there is almost no public conversation about European affairs and so it can be considered as foreign and not representative by some European citizens. One reason for this is the lack of real pan-European journals that pay attention to EU problems from an EU point of view. I think your initiative tackles this issue. Another reason is the lack of a common language to have this conversation. I see you're commited to use some of the most spoken languages in the Union such as French, Spanish or German, but perhaps this isn't the best approach. It requires much more effort from you or more journalists and it makes a discussion quite difficult. Have you thought of using one common language to publish your articles? Of course the next question is which is this common language or even if it exists. I'd think of Latin as a very European language but it's dead. Others such as Esperanto haven't been born. So perhaps the easiest and most practical answer is English. Although it can be seen as a foreign language, it's also true that most of us use it every day, study it since we are children and have part of our leisure time in English (films, music, TV series, etc.).
One good example of it's usefulness is this post. My mother language is Spanish but perhaps you can't read it. I can speak French but not well enough to express complex ideas. But I can do that in English and probably you and many readers can understand it.
Again thanks for your work, I hope you've got good luck and success
J'aimerais me joindre à vous; mon polonais est assez basic, mais mon roumain est beaucoup mieux!